Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Why OneNote Is Very Cool

Hi guys, quick post here about Microsoft OneNote and why it is so cool.

You can keep all of your most important links in One Note which is obviously cloud based so you wont loose them which is nice but with One Note you can also create a screen shot of the page that you save which is pretty unique, I haven't seen this type of thing anywhere else, I'm not saying that it doesn't exist in other applications and I'm sure the more internet savvy of you will know many other places that this is possible (please be gentle) but I think this is very cool so I have created a notebook and I will be saving links to it if you want to see this feature.

Here is the link to the notebook:!107&authkey=!ALYtWk121oAksxM&ithint=onenote%2c

If you know of anything like this anywhere else please leave a comment but I honestly think this is awesome.


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